Minister's Statements

Today, Mr. Speaker, I stand here to extend thanks to my colleagues and counterparts, as well as the federal government and outside cybersecurity experts, for their generous support and guidance in bringing most of Qulliq Energy Corporation’s information technology operations back to a functional state. As many of us are aware, QEC was hit with a cyber-attack in January 2023, shutting down access to critical data and applications. In response, QEC and the Government of Nunavut’s Community and Government Services Information Management Information Technology department immediately began… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge our frontline workers and service providers. They were the heroes who kept us going in difficult times. I also want to speak about the various supports the Government of Nunavut provided during this latest wave of COVID-19. Mr. Speaker, Nunavut’s municipalities played an essential role in minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in our territory. Four million was allocated to municipalities to provide support for critical local services. Community stations, which are essential to keeping Nunavummiut informed, received an additional $375,000 for ongoing… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to share with my colleagues the very constructive discussions that took place during the Northern Premiers’ Caucus, on February 3. Mr. Speaker, the territorial Premiers meet annually at the Northern Premiers’ Forum to advance northern interests, discuss issues of common interest and concern, and develop made-in-the-North solutions. Mr. Speaker, this was my first Northern Premiers’ Forum as Premier of Nunavut. Our meeting focused on key northern priorities such as infrastructure, housing, the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework and climate change to name a few. Mr… read more.
Mr. Speaker, Each year, Canada’s premiers recognize the efforts made by a member of their province or territory to promote literacy. In Nunavut, we ask residents to nominate someone who champions the use of Inuktut. This year, I am presenting Nunavut’s Council of the Federation Literacy Award to Jeena Kadlutsiak of Igloolik. Mr. Speaker, Ms. Kadlutsiak is a Kindergarten to Grade 3 teacher at Ataguttaaluk Elementary School. She is implementing Inuktut language curriculum in all her classrooms. She was a member of the team responsible for producing Nipittiavait Inuktitut. This is a phonics,… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about the meeting I had with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of National Defence Anita Anand, Northwest Territories Premier Caroline Cochrane, and Yukon Premier Sandy Silver. As you know in March, Premier Cochrane, Silver, and I sent a joint letter to the Prime Minister outlining our concerns over Arctic security and sovereignty. We noted that any decisions regarding the Arctic should be made in consultation with the people of the North. In addition, we outlined the need to invest in social infrastructure to strengthen our communities considering… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to provide my colleagues with updates regarding Nunavut’s participation in the Northern Premiers’ Forum and Western Premiers’ Conference earlier this year. Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories hosted a meeting of the three Northern premiers in Inuvik in May. Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon share many challenges and opportunities unique to the North, and it has been an honour to work with and learn from Premier Cochrane and Premier Pillai through the Forum this year. Together, we made progress on issues of importance to… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about the first in-person meeting of the Northern Premiers in over two years. On May 9, Premier Cochrane and I were welcomed to Whitehorse by Premier Silver, the current Chair of the Northern Premiers’ Forum. We discussed several important priorities, including Arctic security, housing, and healthcare. Mr. Speaker, as the Northern Premiers we committed to working with the federal government and Indigenous partners to strengthen Canada’s position in the Arctic. We agreed that Arctic sovereignty and security are enhanced by strengthening our communities, and… read more.
Mr. Speaker,   Today I would like to acknowledge our whole-of-government response to the Northwest Territories’ catastrophic wildfires.   We remained in frequent communication with the Government of the Northwest Territories leading up to, during, and after the wide-scale evacuations. I personally spoke with Premier Caroline Cochrane on numerous occasions. I also remained in communication with my legislative colleagues in the Kitikmeot region. Our goal was to offer our support, while ensuring the safety of Nunavummiut in our care. Mr. Speaker, as a pre-emptive measure, the… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about my participation in the Arctic Encounter Symposium in Anchorage, Alaska. On April 7 and 8, I had the opportunity to take part in this year’s symposium and present on a panel titled “Heathy Communities, Resilient Communities: Insights from the Arctic.” In the discussion I was able to share lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and how these lessons can be applied to the challenges ahead, such as the ongoing threat to Arctic sovereignty and security. Mr. Speaker, the Arctic Encounter Symposium is the largest annual Arctic policy event in the… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mark January 18, 2024, the day the Government of Nunavut, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. and the Federal Government signed the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement. This date joins July 9, 1993, the signing of the Nunavut Agreement, and April 1, 1999, the date of Nunavut’s establishment. This signing was made possible through the efforts of our leaders and Elders of the past, tireless negotiators through the years, and all Nunavummiut. With great pride for Nunavut and Nunavummiut, I stood alongside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Nunavut Tunngavik… read more.