Minister's Statements

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge and thank my colleagues. When we jointly developed the Katujjiluta mandate, we promised to be transparent and accountable. With this second progress report, we continue to follow through on that promise. We also promised to work together. Through this mid-term mandate-review process we demonstrated that we are all indeed working together for the betterment of Nunavummiut. Mr. Speaker, we heard Ministers share their many successes two years into this term despite the unplanned obstacles such as the COVID closures in December 2021.  We also… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about my participation in the Arctic Security and Sovereignty Summit held in Iqaluit on October 3, 2022.  Mr. Speaker, Nunavut senator Dennis Patterson hosted this one-day event in partnership with local and regional organizations including Nunavut’s Inuit Development Corporations Association and Nunasi Corporation.  Mr. Speaker, at this event we spoke about Arctic sovereignty and how to strengthen and support healthy and resilient communities throughout the North.  Mr.… read more.
Mr. Speaker, Following the historic signing of the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement on January 18, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and I held a bilateral meeting. We spoke about the importance of devolution signing for Nunavut’s future. The cultural component of the event, which showcased so many of our great and talented performers, brought the strengths of Nunavummiut to the world. I brought forward, again, how housing is our number one issue and that we need more investment from our federal partner. Nunavut has done its part to build more houses faster by partnering with… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to speak about my recent visit with the Prime Minister of Canada. I was joined for the bilateral meeting by the President and Vice President of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated. We spoke about the urgent need to close Nunavut’s housing gap. Addressing Nunavut's housing gap is key to bolstering Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic. Strong, resilient communities are supported by reliable social infrastructure. Mr. Speaker, at our last meeting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked me to show that our government was working in unison with Inuit organizations on a plan for… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I want to take a moment to recognize a few people who played a lead role on our successful road to signing the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement. Most of us see the completed 239-page devolution document as a tool with a simple purpose – to return decision-making related to Nunavut public lands and waters to Nunavut, where it belongs. In three years, we will make our own resource decisions and retain revenue from the extraction of those resources. Namminiqsurniq – achieving greater autonomy. What we don’t see is the hours, days, weeks, months, and years of… read more.
Mr. Speaker, Katujjiluta identifies Elders and “aging with dignity in Nunavut” as a key priority area. Our mandate promises to develop a comprehensive Elder and senior care strategy with broad input from Elders, families, communities, and partners. I’m proud to announce, Mr. Speaker, work is underway towards a Strategic Action Plan for Elders in Nunavut. We have contracted Iqaluit consultant Mary Wilman to work in tandem with the Iqaluit-based company Lichen Consulting to do this review. We aim to complete the new framework by December. Elders groups are being engaged at regional gatherings… read more.
Mr. Speaker, It was my pleasure to welcome my Northern counterparts, Yukon’s Premier Ranj Pillai and Northwest Territories’ Premier R.J. Simpson, in Mittimatalik from May 6 to 9 for the annual Northern Premier’s Forum. In our meetings we discussed shared priorities, including Arctic security and sovereignty, disaster preparedness and response, critical infrastructure gaps, housing needs, and the health and well-being of Northerners. I want to thank my friend, Levi Barnabas, the Vice President of the Qikiqtani Inuit Association, as well as Minister Karen Nutarak, Mayor Joshua Arreak and the… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to share that on February 7th, I met with Ontario Premier Doug Ford for a bilateral meeting in Ottawa. Nunavut is reliant on our southern neighbours for goods and services. This is especially true for specialized healthcare we cannot provide in our territory. Mr. Speaker, I wish to thank my friend Premier Ford for vocalizing his support for Canada’s Territories at a national level, as together the provinces and territories negotiate healthcare funding with the federal government. Premier Ford has never been to Nunavut. I have invited him to visit Iqaluit at his… read more.
Mr. Speaker, in April I had the privilege of accepting invitations from two members to visit their communities. I am so grateful to members Amittuq MLA Joelie Kaernerk and Kugluktuk MLA Bobby Anavilok for sharing their home communities with me. Mr. Speaker, I believe there are few things more important for a politician to do than to meet with and listen to their electorate. There is no replacement for in-person connections. In both Sanirajak and Kugluktuk, I met with the housing associations, district education authorities and the hamlet councils. I visited students in their schools, where… read more.
Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report that Cabinet met with our federal counterparts in Ottawa on May 1st and 2nd for a set of meetings we called Nunavut on the Hill. Our ministers promoted the priorities of Katujjiluta in meetings with over 15 federal departments, including Health, Justice, Housing, Infrastructure, and National Defence. Mr. Speaker, on May 2nd I met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and we discussed our efforts to build more housing, bolster healthcare, engage on Arctic Sovereignty and Security, and transfer authority over Nunavut’s lands and waters through devolution. The… read more.